The Web Ballie

Empowering Your Digital Identity

"Using Old School Tech for the Modern Day Internet"

John Hawkins QBE

Web Designer

John Hawkins


The old-school way of web design using HTML involved hand-coding web pages using a text editor, such as Notepad. Designers crafted websites by writing HTML code directly, specifying elements like headings, paragraphs, and links manually. Styling was often done using inline styles or via separate CSS files. Tables were commonly used for layout, creating rigid structures that didn't adapt well to different screen sizes. JavaScript was sparingly used for basic interactivity. Websites were static, with content updated by directly editing HTML files. This approach required a deep understanding of HTML and resulted in websites that were simple but often lacked modern design and functionality. So that was me late 90s early 2000s

Skip a few years (actually 20+ years), and having designed websites with just about every other web design system out there. To name a few Joomla, Wordpress, Drupal, Wix, Sitepad, Concrete, Website Baker and many more, having dabbled in PHP, Perl, C, Python, SQL, MYSQL, etc etc.

This is what a website looked like in the very old days

Click here to see what this web site would have looked like in the old days with just standard HTML1 and No CSS


I am doing the full circle. I've come back to HTML5, CSS and JavaScript, From my experience, to get a good SEO rating your first step is get your load speed correct. An acceptable time is between 1 - 3 Seconds. Very difficult with a CMS, Easy with HTML5.

I am also making Web Design and Hosting more affordable for small business, From R1100.00 for Design and R199.00 per month for Hosting. This R950.00 is the whole shebang, Click here for more info on my Services.

Advantages of Webdesigning using HTML5

Responsive Design:

HTML enables the creation of responsive websites that adapt seamlessly to various screen sizes and devices. Highlight how HTML allows for flexible layouts and designs that ensure an optimal user experience across desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.


HTML provides a clean and structured codebase that search engines can easily crawl and index. Emphasize how well-organized HTML markup contributes to better search engine visibility, helping websites rank higher in search results and attract more organic traffic.


HTML supports accessibility features such as semantic markup, ARIA roles, and alt attributes for images, making it easier for people with disabilities to access and navigate websites. Showcase how HTML allows for the creation of inclusive web experiences that cater to a diverse audience.

Speed and Performance:

HTML facilitates lightweight and fast-loading web pages, contributing to improved website performance and user satisfaction. Illustrate how streamlined HTML code reduces page load times, decreases bounce rates, and enhances overall site usability.

Cross-Browser Compatibility:

HTML ensures cross-browser compatibility, enabling websites to render consistently across different web browsers and platforms. Highlight how adherence to HTML standards fosters a consistent user experience regardless of the browser or device being used.

Ease of Maintenance:

HTML-based websites are easy to maintain and update, allowing for efficient content management and ongoing improvements. Explain how separating content from presentation with HTML/CSS enhances site manageability, facilitating hassle-free updates and modifications.


HTML provides a scalable foundation for website development, accommodating future expansion and customization requirements. Describe how HTML allows for modular development approaches, enabling seamless integration of new features and functionalities as business needs evolve.


HTML web design is cost-effective, offering a budget-friendly solution for creating professional and visually appealing websites. Emphasize how HTML's simplicity and widespread adoption translate into lower development costs, making it an ideal choice for businesses and individuals with varying budget constraints.

My Services

What I Do

  1. We make contact and after finding out what you require i will give you a quote:
  2. I build a Basic Demo Web Site
  3. Gladly accept your Payment for Design and the first month Hosting
  4. Registration of your Domain Name or Transfer your exisiting Domain Name (
  5. Design the Website
    • Create Keywords for your product
    • Create Meta Data for your Website and Products
    • Register your Business with Google and Business Platform
    • Register your Business with the Search Engines Console
    • Register your Business with Google Maps
  6. Create a Contact Us form so people can contact you on the Website
  7. Create the correct Platform for Google Reviews
  8. Create the correct structure for Backlinks.

What you Do

  1. Supply links to existing Website if you have
  2. Supply your own or professional Images
  3. Send me links to your Social Media
  4. Continue or create a new Advertising Campaign
  5. Advise the changes you want me to make on the Website

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